The Tech Haven of Profound

A place where a Jamaican talks tech with respect to the Jamaican scenario and limitations.

Friday, December 02, 2005

More on Skype

I appreciate the responses I have been getting about this Skype thing. It is really a great sign. In light of that I am going to give a bit more information on what Skype (through me) has to offer.

One of the major concerns raised is about the Skype Phone. The phone I use for skype functions more like an extra sound device than an actual phone. That is because Skype keeps innovating and that device was made with another now outdated version of Skype. In that version it had full control but Skype keeps evolving. None of the phones I will be getting will use that outdated software- not to worry.

The current industry leaders in technology are also jumping on Skype. Here is possibly the number 1 Skype Phone out now from Linksys. You may have by now noticed the pricetag. If you wanted to take the service ultra seriously then I would recommend that device. If you want to be my customer for life I could give you some assistance...

Non-industry leaders who try to make services affordable are found on ebay. Here are a few that have caller id and full skype control: Sabre Connect and then Image Store.

In essence how large is your pocketbook? If you want the pimp phone but don't want to spend all your pimp money at once then Skype me... I can make it happen. Payment plans, service agreements whatever it takes to make you satisfied. If you want the not so pimp but featured phone then I can make that happen as well.

Skype is prepaid for you. All you need to do to get started is contribute J$800 to get a clump of Skype Credit. If you want to buy a phone number it will cost you another J$800 which will last for a total of three months and will go on reserve 3 months after that. This means that if you pay late after the due date you won't lose you number. It is yours for a clear six months but usable for the three you paid for.

Anything unclear? Add your comments and I will answer promptly.


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