The Tech Haven of Profound

A place where a Jamaican talks tech with respect to the Jamaican scenario and limitations.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Having a really bad week

Jenna is on my last nerve. When a woman gets this bad that she burns your pocket in an unreasonable manner I think it is time to leave her. I mean really, I get her anything she wants- Jenna wants a new graphics card, I get it. When Jenna wanted a new monitor I bought her the best 19" WXGA on the market. She wanted a new burner- she had it.

My most recent burner, the one I bought just a couple months ago, no longer works. It must be the motherboard. Why else would a cost-effective but industry leading burner stop burning and start reading blank dvds as only have 400mb free? Why else would it refuse to recognize any of my discs- discs it recognized a week earlier. It all started with the big Pioneer I had, now it is doing it with my NEC. It attempted to do it to my Liteon as well.

Jenna, I am giving you notice. As soon as I raise J$90k you and I are through. I don't care if you want to sabotage me from now until then. I am over you- you hear me you stupid gold-digging intel! I am going to get a real woman, an AMD Venice core 3800+ with hyper transport. She is going to be named Lori- the star of the future. You, you will just be some piece of junk in one of my best friend's rooms. It is over.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

In defense of my decision

I gave it some more thought. The hiptop's downfall was the size and the fact that the features were not consistent. I own two mobile phones and a media player- and I don't like having a bag (so girly?) and having things in my hands. That means that my belt and my pockets are the only places available.

My belt was being occupied by the hiptop2- a very large device that just spread out on everything. It could however store all my organizer and calendar details as well as my contacts. But guess what- my Zen stores organizer and calendar information as well. The only limitation is that I have to sync it at home and not on the go- but still... a major step forward. The only sacrifice made to date relates to the push email- which has become far less critical. Every other duty is done between the new phone and the Zen. These two devices can happily coexist on my belt while my Miphone occupies my pocket- being that it is so thin.

If I ever need push/pop email I will put it on my bmobile.

Therefore I have saved a bunch of money on my mobile bill, saved on real estate on my belt and still have all my contacts in tact.

Thank you Zen for being so versatile.

Definition of Lexicon

pl. lex·i·cons or lex·i·ca (-k)
  1. A dictionary.
  2. A stock of terms used in a particular profession, subject, or style; a vocabulary: the lexicon of surrealist art.
  3. Linguistics. The morphemes of a language considered as a group.

[Medieval Latin, from Greek lexikon (biblion), word(book), from neuter of lexikos, of words, from lexis, word, from legein, to speak. See leg- in Indo-European Roots.]
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Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: lexicon2
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: the vocabulary of a person, group, subject, or language; also, the total morphemes of a language
Etymology: Greek lexis `word, phrase'

Source: Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.6)
Copyright © 2003-2005 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC